2/21/25 - Friday Video Share

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Why do autistic people seem weird?

YouTube, Yo Samdy Sam - August 9, 2019

This video is almost six years old, so some of what's in it might feel outdated. But I have come to think that now is a good time to revisit some "basics" of disability rights, disability justice, disability culture, and very basic disability awareness. This is stuff that may seem obvious to a lot of people, but probably isn't obvious to as many people as folks embedded in disability communities and fields think. Autism, especially continues to be a highly contested and segmented subject. And some of the most basic questions people have about it sometimes don't get answered, or even asked. Also, this YouTuber does a good job explaining lots of things about autism. At least I think so.

Have a terrific weekend!

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Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund
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Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund

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